The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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Shelbyville, Kentucky

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Librarian Ky University 1 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD SHELBYVILLE KENTUCKY RIDAY OCTOBER 19 10 Single Copy 5c OUNDED IN 1840 NUMBER 15 ieu Christ Centered Three Bandits In The Machinery Is Set or Loyalty Crusade Local Draft Registration Peytona Store Robbery Held To The Grand Jury Wednesday October 16 a Doing It However be located in Shel Clark started to the At Presbyterian Church 6 at fol Ele their former or MARSHALL He and NEW EPISCOPAL MINISTER Publisher Directs Publicity Campaign church attendance which follows no exceptions The one is bad and brings a lessened spiritual life the other is good and brings an awak ened At the examining trial Saturday morning in the Shelby county court of the three young men William and John Hamilton and Asa Har vey who were captured by officers last week were charged with the armed robbery of the store of Mr Maurice Clark at Peytona and were held over the t6 October term of the Shelby Circuit Court without bail by Judge Coleman Wright and ordered them returned to Louis vile Authorities seem to think the Hamiltons gave ficticious names and actually are wanted in Missouri for other crimes in the pocket of one of the Hamiltons was a clip vision More than 35000 finger lings two to four inches in length have been removed to Kentucky in the last few weeks ive counties shared in the distribution the bal ance of the shipment going to hold ing ponds at orks of Elkhorn ranklin county arises to meet the occasion and come through with flying colors Shelbyville loses Marshall due to the age ruling Marshall has been a stellar ball player dur ing his career with the locals and will be sadly missed Another blow is the loss of Cap tain Leonard Ballard center who broke his collorbone Monday dur ing the practice period which prob ably will most likely keep him on the side lines the rest of the sea son list of names has by Representative to the Governor PLAYED HIS LAST GAME WITH US NEW METHODIST MINISTER ping of a newspaper account of a robbery that took place there and evidently he was treasuring the clipping Sheriff A rank of St Louis county Clayton Mo notified local authorities that he though that Wiliam Hamilton is known to him as Woodrow Hall and John Hamil ton is another name for George Hall an escaped criminal from Ohio Sheriff rank further ad vised that the Hall brothers and a girl named Bertha Hall committed a robbery at Clayton on July 10 and were identified by their victims The girl was arrested and made a signed confession implicating the Halls The Hamiltons are a cool lot and deny any connection with the rob bery whatsoever Harvey on the contrary is of a nervous temperement and when questioned said he was ready to talk Below is virtually his statement and William Hamilton came out Sunday or Monday morn ing I am not positive which of last week and Monday they drove up to that store of Maurice at Peytona John Hamilton walked in the back door and drew his gun and held him up with it Hamilton and I were at the front door and he made him stand up and told him to keep his eyes on the floor and Wiliam told him to unlock the safe The safe was already open and he told him to unlock the drawer and he told him to find the keys Then he told his brother John to take an axe He busted the safe open and find anything Stood Watched" started to take a little radio home I just stood and watched I had a gun but did not hold the gun on Mr Clark all the time and hold it toward him John got the money out of the cash regis ter William took the money and watch off Mr Clark truck driver came in John held him up went to the door and held him up and William took his money and he got some cigarettes when we left After we left there we turned off this side road (Pey tona Bagdad road) and went through Christiansburg I got sev en or eight dollars of the money and they kept the balance All three of us had guns saw these boys first Saturday night up town at Eminence I never had seen them before They was with my sister then Mr sister is from Eminence They come on Sunday morning to my house and spent the night Sunday night They suggested we do this both of them They picked the place I know how they picked it unless they had been driving around and located the confession conclud ed Mrs Jennie Morton Dale died last Monday after a lingering illness of several years Mrs Dale had made her home with her mother Mrs Elizabeth A Morton and her two sisters Miss Verlinda Morton and Mrs Mary Logan Kincheloe since the death of her husband Mr John Cunning ham of Belle Vernon Pa where they had lived for many years Af ter the death of her mother and sisters she continued to live at the Morton home on Clay street Mrs Jennie Morton Dale was the youngest child of Col Quin Morton and Elizabeth A Logan both whom were members of prominent old families and of distinguished line age thru many lines of ancestry Mrs Dale was educated at and was graduated from emale College where she majored in mu sic becoming an accomplished pianist and was accompanist to Mrs Cecilia Eppinghausen Bailey on her notable concert tour throughout many states Mrs Dale held membership in the Colonial Dames Society The Daughters of the American Revo lution and The Huguenot Society She was a charter member of the Historical Society of Shelby coun ty and a charter member of the original Chautauqua Club She did extensive genealogical and historical research work In her History of the Mulberry Pres byterian church of Shelby county she made a valuable contribution to Presbyterianism in this county and elsewhere Mrs Dale is survived by a niece Mrs Newell Tilton of South ampton a nephew Quin Mor ton of Chicago and many other more distant relatives in Shelby county other parts of Kentucky and of other states uneral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 at the residence on Clay street con ducted by Rev A Gordon Burial was in Grove Hill Cemetery inchville 2 Sara Louise Simpsonville North Mrs Moss Simp South John Jr Longs Mrs Logan BRADLEY Bradley publisher of the Providence Enterprise is serving as publicity chairman and as a member of the speaker's commit tee for the state Democratic cam paign His offices are in the Ken tucky Hotel Louisville Here Today Locals Have Crippled Team Muir Minch Reported or Duty Wednesday Muir Minch second lieutenant in the Quartermaster reserve who recently completed two tour of duty at ort Knox Tuesday was assigned to a Civilian Conservation Corps unit at Pineville ivy reported for duty Wednesday will serve on a vivilian status In local observance vention Week which Sunday and continues next Saturday Oct 12 Mayor Robt Matthews has issued a procla mation to coincide with the nation! week In his proclamation he calls on all to reflect upon measures of common safety elimination of fire hazards upon their own proper ty and to be viligant at all times for the common good Special emphasis are laid on the fire losses sutained by business and industrial establishments The ma jor portion of the fire waste which on the average de stroys property valued at $1000 000 every working day This total is staggering PROCLAMATION: It is amatter of common know ledge that many deaths and plain The Shelbyville Baptist Church was taxed to capacity last Sunday evening at the mass meeting held by the five Protestant denomina tions of this City at which time the program for the Christ Centered Loyalty Crusade was presented to the community our pastors and the following laymen representing the various churches were present and deliv ered talks: David Bell Presby terian Ben Allen Thomas Chris tian Baker Methodist Bern ard Davis Baptist and Rea Episcopal The challenge of this crusade is a New High in Christian which is to be put into prac tice Every churchman is urged to attend his or her church every Sunday throughout this crusade Next Sunday is Wide Com munion to be celebrated throughout the world by all denomi nations Sunday October 6 everybody is asked to stay at home in order that the workers approximately 200 in number may call in each home throughout Shelbyville Rev James Connor of Wash ington newly appointed min ister of St James Episcopal church in this City in an abstract from his sermon last Sunday said: we would work most ably for the down fall of the various fanatical creeds which challenge our civilization we must work most intensively for the spread of Mr Connor said that it is neces sary to form a habit of church at tendance even as much as it is ne cessary to form habits of a physical or mental nature We are creatures of habit but we should always be the master of them And if we think it is important to be religious then we must be regular in our practice of religion not missing our prayers not missing our reading of the Bible not missing the Sacra ments not leaving our plage vacant in the church It may seem easier and more pleasant to stay at home taking your rest on Sunday morning let ting others go to ch urch services on Sunday 'It takes resolution and as Mrs Martha Mr rederic A In Default of $250 ine In County Court Tuesday Set By Council At a recent meeting of the City Board of Council ordinances placing higher license fees on operation of sound trucks by non licensed firms and solicitation of laundry and lin ens by agents of firms were passed One ordinance reads it shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation not licensed to do business within the city of Shelbyville to advertise his or its business upon the streets alleys or other highways of said city by a parade sound truck or other sound producing vehicle or by any movable or portable device unless there is a payment to the general fund of $25 for each operation Violation will be classed as a misdemeanor accord ing to the ordinance and punish ment by a fine of 810 to $50 with each days unlawful operation separate is the newly at St James in this City very earnest In an Associated Press report from Washington dated Sept 28 stated Shelbyville was one of 89 towns throughout Kentucky slated by Congress to have an airport Seventy five thousand dollars is to be made available Upon inquiries among air officials around no one could give any definite detail as to what Shelbyville will receive ma terially The eighty nine airports when developed will cost $8080500 ac cording to the plan by the Civil Aeronautics board tinder the Na tional Defense Program when Con gress makes funds available In a report to the House Appro priation Committee the board listed 3841 projects in the United States which it said could be developed at a cost of more than half a bil lion dollars The committee recom mended that $80000000 be made available immediately to start work on approximately 200 sites to be se lected by defense officials The Kentucky projects include two for Louisville one a new un BROUGHT HERE OR BURIAL The body of Mrs Grace Blaydes Hays who died Saturday at the home of her brother Dr Blaydes at LaGrange was brought here Monday afternoon for burial in Grove Hill Cemetery uneral services were conducted at 2 at the home of Dr Blaydes Mrs Hays was well known here where she formerly resided and where she has a number of cousins She is survived by two daughters Mrs Thomas Weakley Pleasureville and Mrs red Hayes rankfort a sister Mrs Jesse Campbell Louis ville and her brother New Organ Is Dedicated Sunday REW JAMES CONNOR The Rev Janies Connor of YVashington appointed minister Episcopal Church Rev Connor is a likeable and progressive young man and the Episcopal Church is fortunate in securing his services Has Anyone Stolen rom You? Two Shelby County citizens who prefer to remain anonymous will give $5000 in $100 rewards for the first fifty Shelby County people who report a loss of farm property that has taken place in the last twelve months This is done to assist the arm Bureau campaign to secure an accurate census of farm losses by theft They know that many Shelby County farmers have lost sheep lambs calves tobacco meat from the smokehouse and other valu ables It seems desirable to make an estimate of these losses The $1 rewards will be paid to farmers that come to the office of the Shelby County arm Bureau at the court house beginning Satur day morning October 5 at 8 and make an affidavit covering the loss One dollar will be given to the first fifty report ing losses In reporting a loss farmers should describe it and give an estimate of its value This matter may be spe eded up if those who report will have the information prepared on a small card or paper Begins October 13 Through December 15 At Home on Clay Street Monday Member of Old Shelbyville amily With Appropriate Services The community is much indebted to the members of the Presbyterian church for presenting on Sunday Sept 29th in joint recital two sucn arutsts Graham Hill and Cowles Just thirty six years ago "Mr uowies dedicated gan now replaced by the latest modern type whose every beauty of registration and lovely quality of tone was brought out by this master of the console The audience was held spellbound by a program including music to suit the taste of all listeners from the majestic harmonies of Bach and Wagner to the haunting melody of Eventide by Harker and the rea listic antics of the Squirrel by Powell Mrs Hill needs no introduction to Shelbyville audiences and never has her voice been more beautiful and appealing than in the group of songs offered Sunday evening Mrs Hill has a warm place in the hearts of Shelbyville people who love and appreciate her soulful music Shelbyville people are rejoicing with the members of the Presby terian church over their lovely new organ and all are grateful for hear ing it for the first time under such happy circ*mstances OLD LANDMARK PASSING The old Winlock Ballard home located on the corner of ourth and Main street is in the process of being torn down or over one hundred years it has stood the scars of time 'The material and brick are still in a good state of repair The Shelby Motor Co the present owners intend to fix up a beautiful used car lot on the old building site John Shultz Dies At Local Hospital John Shultz 81 died last riday evening at the Daughters Hospital He is survived by two daughters uneral services were held at 2 Sun day at Owingsville interment lowed the services Some people just naturally like trouble one person in particular Oscar Douthitt He was arrested about a week ago on a charge of breach of peace and fined $5 and costs and that enough Mon day night he was again arrested but this time on a more serious charge aiding and assisting a jail break Chief of Police Roy Jones and Patrolmen Jake Brum mitt and Archie Ware caught Douthitt in the act of attempting to tie hack saw blades to a string let down from the jail according to Douthitt by Raymond Herndon Herndon is in jail on a charge of grand larceny in connection of butchering of a steer on the farm of Mrs Walters in July At his trial in the County Court Tuesday morning Douthitt was fin ed $250 in default of which he was placed in jail regular voting place Doaks store Marshalls regular voting place Crooper I O'O Lodge Elmburg Baker Jackson ville John residence Bagdad No 1 Bank Bag dad No 2 Pete garage Hardinsville Wm garage Peytona store Clay village Simpson residence Waddy store building Harrisonville shop South ville No 1 Wilson Allen's outbuild ing Southville No 2 Regular vot ing placef Scotts Gene store Christiansburg store Below is given a list furnished by the American Legion of those offering services in the registra tion and act as fifth officer: Shelbyville No 1 Wm Calvin Beard No 2 Mrs Alice Perkins No 3 Clarence Miller No 4 War ren Briggs No 5 Miss Everhart Crenshaw No 6 Edith Malone No 7 Ben Staples No 8 Rev Giltner North Shelby No 1 Logan Brown No 2 Louise Bemiss South Shelby 1 Mrs rye No 2 Miss Celestine Hite Jones or rest Caudill inchville 1 Lynn toon Duvall Claude Young Hunter Doaks Ray Marshalls Ralph Scearce Cropper Mrs Ruby Brown Ehnburg Bohannon Jacksonville Orville Hopper Bag dad 1 Clayton Samples No 2 Per rin Wiley Hardinsville Oakley Slucher Peytona Maurice Clark Clay village Marshall A Waddy Paxton Harrisonville Ralph Catlett Southville 1 Ben Williams No 2 Boyce Ratcliff Scotts Shelby Ware and Christians burg Mrs Gatton Davis Casual interviews with 21 all seem ready to be among the first called dertaking at a cost of $492500 and the other improvement of facilities at Bowman ield at a cost of $53 000 Among other Kentucky projects in the program and the estimated cost for development of each were: Beattyville $30000 Berea $75 000 Bowling Green $442500 Car lisle $75000 Cynthiana $30000 Danville $180000 lemingsburg $30000 rankfort $472500 Harlan $180000 Hazard $30000 Irvine $180000 Jackson $75000 Jenkins $75000 LaGrange $30 000 Lawrenceburg $30000 Liber ty $30000 London $75000 Lynch $30000 Maysville $1'80000 Mid dlesboro $412500 Morehead $75 000 Mt Sterling $75000 Mt Ver non $30000 New Castle $75000 Nicholasville $75000 Owensboro $180000 Paintsville $180000 Richmond $30000 Shelbyville $75000 Stears $30000 Somerset $180000 Taylorsville $30000 Vanceburg $30000 Williamsburg $75000 Williamstown $30000 Mrs Jennie Morton Dale Passes Away Week Scope of ire Pre begins here through the The Shelbyville Red Devils ex perienced considerable difficulty in defeating the Georgc town Buffaloes on the home grounds last riday afternoon in spite of the fact that the final score was 26 to 6 This was the Ded second straight victory The 'locals scored in the first quarter Marshall crossing over from the fiveyard stripe but Bris coe missed the posts for the extra point The second quarter was scoreless In the third quarter Briscoe broke away from the mob for a touchdown and also kicked the point Then came the completed Georgetown pass to Hood who ran about forty yards to score The extra point was missed This was the first score against the locals this season Then the Red Devils play ball and a pass Briscoe to Sharp succeeded in another touch down Near the end Marshall broke through to chalk up another touchdown Briscoe missing extra point Oscar Douthitt Placed In Jail Mayor Issues Proclamation 2221 Males Between The Ages Of 21to 36 rom This County Are Subject to The Call Versailles Plays Shelbyville Authorities Believe That The Hamilton Brothers Are Old Hands At Armed Robbery The Red Devils have their work cut out for them this afternoon at Daniel ield if they succeed in de feating last champs Versailles A good many are wondering why Versailles in the last few years is putting on the field much better teams than in previous seasons The reason is that there has been a consolidation of schools in Wood ford thus more material to select from and therefore the big factor in their recent athletic suc cesses However the Shelbyville Versail les football rivalry has always been fine we love to play them and in recent years the two teams have battled ferociously to gain supe riority A large delegation of Versailles rooters will accompany the Yellow Jackets here to pull for the champions to repeat The Red Devils squad enters the game the due to injur ies Shelbyville teams always some how when faced with adversity REV JMES EVERETT SAVAGE A Ph Dr Savage who was appointed to the Centenary Methodist Church at the recent session of the Kentucky Annual Conference succeeds the Rev Beck present pastor of the irst Methodist Church in Mt Sterling A native of Mason County he is a son of the Rev rances Asbury Savage and a nephew of Dr Savage a former pastor in Shelbyville and of the Rev Savage who lived here at one time Dr Savage attended Asbury and Kentucky Wesleyan Colleges and the Presbyterian Theological Semi nary and Emory and Chicago Uni versities He has served important pastorates in Oklahoma including University Church Oklahoma City held two pastorates in Chicago and served the London Middlcsboro rankfort irst Church Covington and Mt Sterling Churches in this Conference Mrs Savage a sister of Mr Ball of this city is a graduate in Expression and Drama of the Chica go Conservatory and Director of the work of the Board of Education of the Kentucky An nual Conference Shelbyville One of 89 Airports Throughout Kentucky Planned Oct 6 12 Proclaimed as ire Prevention Nation Wide in ful injuries occur from avoidable determination to build the habit of tire mat nxewise me year iiwv witnessed an increase in property damage throughout the United States from flames and smoke The people of Shelbyville should be very thankful that we have been spared much of the disaster to hu man life and property that has been suffered elsewhere We have no assurance however of continu ed comparative safety Alertness and the constant elimination of fire hazards must continue and be great ly speeded up in order that we may feel reasonably secure in our lives and property Therefore acting with civic lead ers over the Nation I hereby pro claim the week beginning October 6 1940 as ire Prevention Week and ask all citizens not only to re flect upon measures of common safety but to eliminate the fire hazards upon their own property and to be viligant at all times for the common good Witness my hand as Mayor of Shelbyville Kentucky this October 2 1940 MATTHEWS Mayor Student Council Elementary School Meets and Elects Officers Wednesday The Student Council at the mentary school held its first regu lar meeting Wednesday after an or ganizing meeting last week The council consists of two class elected members from each division of the three upper grades who act as rep resentatives of a self governing 2T0UD At the organizing meeting offic ers were elected and plans were dis cussed for gaining the co operation of all students Billy" Green was elected president and Virginia Jones secretary Red Devils Whip Buffaloes Have A Hard Time The machinery for registeringShelby countians between the ages of 21 and 35 inclusive on Wednes day October 16 for compulsory military education is operating at full speed The offices plus the list of volunteers recommended by II Truman commander of the ranklin Bell Post of the American Legion have been selected and have agreed to serve on that day with out pay 320000 Kentuckians 2122 of them from Shelby county are sub ject to the draft rom the 2122 probably 65 to 70 will be sent by Shelby county for immediate mili tary training Efforts will be made by the army to place the men in the different branches of service most suited for them The draft actually will not get underway until a call has been issued by numbers after which the selected person will appear before a centrally located draft board to an swer a detailed list of questions Shelby county will have one draft hoard and will byville A suggestive been sent in Harry Walters from which he will select the Draft Board of Shelby county In order that those desiring to register may do so the precincts and place of registration are giv en below Shelbyville No 1 Cream ery Shelbyville No 2 ire Depart ment Shelbyville No 3 Court house Shelbyville No 4 Lem Le residence Shelbyville No 5 Globe Warehouse Shelbyville No 6 Dr outbuilding Shelbyville No 7 Mrs garage Shelbyville No 8 residence Shelbyville North No 1 John Roach residence Shelbyville North No 2 Big Shelby Warehouse Shelbyville South No 1 Smith Cin residence Shelbyville South No 2 Regular voting place across from the cemetery Jones schoolhouse inchville No 1 Lynn lood garage inchville No 2 Riester's store Simpsonville North Bank of Simpsonville Simp sonville South Schoolhouse Longs COUNTY' GETS MORE ISH Shelby county has received a por tion of an allotment of 25000 large mouth black Ifass fingerlings se cured from the ederal fish hatchery at Rochester Ind an nounced Major James Brown direc Council members are: 6th grade I tor of the state fish and game di Joan Ooten Billy Gravett Virginia Jones Billy Marshall 5th grade Rosetta Summers James Swanson 4th grade Mary Joe Dcmaree Mar tin Deiss Carol Lea Howard Bright Miss lorence Dudley Jesse is faculty advisor for the group SOwE Mpl III A r' 'a 5 Jar fi 4 Lit i 5 V'1 BtHw 5.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.